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Olde Lexington Gardens was developed by the Saye Construction Company around the concept of an elegant garden community. They completed this 121 home community in 2000. Olde Lexington Gardens Homeowners’ Association, Inc. was inaugurated in 2002 with election of the first Board of Directors. The original covenants are still in effect. The mission of our homeowner association is limited to maintaining our beautiful entrances and commons and all decisions are decided by our members.

Happy Family with Pets
Outdoor Family Day


Each homeowner becomes a member of the association through the purchase of property in Olde Lexington Gardens.  Members have a voice in the decision making process through voting on issues at our Annual Meeting in late August. Our four-member Board of Directors manage the organization during their twelve-month term.


Our fiscal year runs from September 1 through August 31. A proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year includes recommendations from the BOD on maintenance of the Buckeye Branch entrance, Arborwood Boulevard entrance, and the Commons.  Following a financial report on expenditures for the closing current year, the Proposed FY Budget is presented for a vote by members attending the Annual Election Meeting. By-Laws amendments, if warranted, are proposed once a year at the Annual Election for a majority vote by members.

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A low Annual Maintenance Assessment is paid by each homeowner to fund the yearly landscaping, utilities, repairs, and corporate expenses necessary to keep the entrances and common safe and attractive. Member benefits also include Christmas decorations for both entrances, a fall Potluck Social, an annually-updated neighborhood Directory (distributed electronically), a Welcome Gift for new residents, and important email updates.  Our current Annual Maintenance Assessment is $135 for fiscal year 2019.

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